导演:Aymen Khoja 分类:剧情电影
2018年上映 2023年03月11日更新
美国 / 沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Ara 英语 剧情片
演员表:帕特里克·法比安 康纳·戴尔·里奥 埃米尔·艾尔-马斯里
简介:本片已完结,《足球使命》主要讲述ζAnmar dreams of becoming a great soccer player, aζAnmar dreams of becoming a great soccer player, and he finally has his chance to join a team while studying architecture in the U.S. But, to reach his potential, Anmar must first convince his father who threatens to send him back home, get on with his tea妹妹ates who see Anmar more as a terrorist than a striker, and work with his classmate, Ana, who is just a bit too hot.